PCE Certificate


Chateau Chambord, Loire, France



The former Network of the European Associations for Person-Centred Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (NEAPCEPC), called PCE Europe from 2011, aims to achieve and maintain a high standard of training and practice for Person-centred and Experiential (PCE) psychotherapists and counsellors.

Its main goal is to serve the public through the promotion of the Person-centred paradigm. It does this by supporting and encouraging scientific study and improvement of practice in this paradigm, especially in the fields of psychotherapy and counselling. It also enhances the socio-political processes to ensure the continued contribution of the Person-centred paradigm in health, social insurance, education, and academic contexts.

To promote these goals, PCE Europe established The European Certificate for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (PCE Certificate) for practitioners, trainers, and training organisations.

This helps to ensure that PCE psychotherapists and counsellors are trained according to PCE Europe standards and embrace the Person-centred paradigm. The PCE Certificate will also aid the mobility of PCE practitioners and trainers within Europe.



Among the benefits of the PCE Certificate are:

  • You will be visible on the (this) official PCE Europe website:
    all certificate holders are entitled to be listed in the public, online register as practitioner, trainer, or institute with their (personal) information and a direct link to their website. Trainers and Member Organisations can add a profile of their organisation of up to 300 words, to the register. This enables a quick search and finds practitioners, trainers and institutes throughout Europe.
  • Clients and other interested parties will be able to find qualified institutions/organisations and PCE therapists and counsellors: anyone seeking to make contact with a PCE organisation, or who wants to contact a PCE therapist or counsellor, in Europe, can visit the website click the β€˜find a practitioner or institute’ button.
  • PCE therapies will improve their visibility throughout Europe:
    PCE therapies will strengthen their standing among the therapy orientations and the socio-political field while illustrating how broadly the paradigm is represented throughout European countries.
  • Paper certificate:
    directory entrants will receive a certificate to be displayed in their office or on their website.
  • Trainers can present themselves and their workshops online:
    trainers will be entitled to add a personal profile to the online list and in addition, to their information, and a link to their website.
  • The PCE Certificate will aid mobility:
    mobility of PCE psychotherapists and counsellors within Europe will be facilitated by a uniform recognisable certificate. To facilitate mobility and European recognition the following statement has been agreed by PCE Europe member organisations:


PCE Europe member organisations agreement

The following is a statement of intent. Organisations will aim to recognise training from other countries where they can. There is no binding or legal requirement to do so:
PCE Europe member organisations agree to mutually recognize the completed training or individual components of training in person-centred psychotherapy or counselling if the conditions for participation in the training and the training itself are recognised as equivalent.’ (Brussels, November 2001)

Types of certificates

PCE Europe offers different categories of certification for individuals and training institutes who are members of organisations within PCE Europe and/or training institutes:

Application mechanism

Sorry, the online application form is still under construction.
If you want to apply for a certificate, please send an email to certificate@pce-europe.org. You will then receive all the necessary information.

The Certificate Coordinator is Ewa Kaczorkiewicz
